PhD Defence by Marco Fraccaro: Deep Latent Variable Models for Sequential Data

PhD student Marco Fraccaro will defend his thesis: “Deep Latent Variable Models for Sequential Data”, Monday, 25 June, at 14:00, DTU, Building 321, Room 033

Abstracts and further readings in DTU Orbit.

Principal supervisor: Professor Ole Winther, DTU Compute
Co supervisor: Researcher Ulrich Paquet

Associate Professor Søren Hauberg, DTU Compute
Senior Research Scientist Silvia Chiappa, DeepMind
Principal Research Scientist Tapani Raiko, Apple Inc.

Everyone is welcome!


fre 22 jun 18 11:20 -
man 25 jun 18


DTU Compute



Technical University of Denmark, Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321, Room 033