Dr. Mostafa Shalaby, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland


Opportunities and challenges of organic crystal emitter technology in nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy


Organic crystals recently rose to prominence as a powerful terahertz emitter for nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy. This was driven by rapid advances in near infrared laser systems and  increasing interest in ultrafast structural dynamics research at the recently-developed large scale X-ray lasers. However this comes with major technological challenges mainly in focusing large bandwidth pulses. In the first part of my talk, I will give an overview of the technology and possible approaches to address such challenges.

The second part will give some examples from solid state physics where intense terahertz radiation can coherently control structural dynamics. This includes ultrafast demagnetization in ferromagnets; ultrafast magnetic switching in GdFeCo; excitation of magnon and phonon in NiO through Impulse Stimulated Raman Scattering; tunneling in semiconductors and nonlinear polaron dynamics in manganites.

The last part will be chemistry-oriented with a technology outlook. I will briefly present how organic crystal molecules can be custom-designed for a particular application.


Wed 02 May 18
13:00 - 14:00


DTU Electro


Building 340, room R.0.15.A