Specialist Programme in Cybersecurity

The specialist programme in Cybersecurity at DTU aims to equip students with the proper knowledge and skills to protect an organisation's assets (both intellectual- and physical property) through system security analysis; application of prevention, detection and ethical response techniques and to ensure business continuity by installing and operating suitable recovery mechanisms.

The profile is closed from January 2025—students who are already in the profile will receive their certificate, provided that we can see that they have started before January 2025.

In particular, students should be able to:

  • Conduct a security analysis of an organisation, which will include risk analysis, definition of threat- and attacker models, implementation of applicable counter-measures.
  • Implement continuous monitoring to enable real-time detection and collection of security data that may be used in forensic security analysis.
  • Participate in forensic analysis of cyber incidents and assist in recovery of operations.
  • Participate in the formulation, update and communication of organisational cybersecurity strategies and security policies.

The specialist programme in Cybersecurity is defined in the context of the Computer Security study line on the MSc in Computer Science and Engineering programme. To apply for the additional profile, students must meet all the requirements and rules of the Computer Security study line, but students will receive a separate certificate to show that they have obtained the defined cybersecurity competences as part of their studies. 

Polytechnical foundation courses (5 ECTS)

The following course is mandatory:

42500 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 points January

Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation)

5 points August
42501 Innovation in Engineering (Polytechnical Foundation)
5 points June

Students with advanced innovation competences should take 42502/42503/42505 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams as an alternative to 42500/42501/42504 Innovation in Engineering.

42502 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams
5 points January
42505 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 points August
42503 Facilitating Innovation in Multidisciplinary Teams 5 points June

Technological Specialisation courses

The specialist programme in cybersecurity requires the mandatory course and at least one of the specific technological specialisation courses to be selected.

Mandatory course

Specific Technological Specialisation courses for the Specialist Programme in Cybersecurity

Other Technological Specialisation courses

The remaining technological specialisation courses can be freely selected among the specific technological specialisation courses for the specialist programme in cybersecurity and all the technological specialisation courses defined in the study handbook for the M.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering. It is recommended that these courses are selected in a way that allows an alternative study line to be selected later on, i.e., they should not consist exclusively of introductory courses.

Elective courses

The elective courses allow students who follow the specialist programme in cybersecurity to specialize beyond the technological specialisation courses identified for the Computer Security study line.

In order to obtain the specialist programme in cybersecurity certificate, most of the elective courses must be selected among a small set of mandatory "elective" courses. For a description of these courses, see below.

Moreover, some elective courses from the study handbook are recommended here because they are particularly relevant for the specialist programme in cybersecurity.

Mandatory "Elective" courses

Students planning to take 02191 Computer Security Forensics in January 2025 should contact Sophie Sejer Hansen or Signe Møller Jørgensen for more information.

Recommended Elective courses

Other Elective courses

Remaining elective courses can be chosen freely among the technological specialisation courses and elective courses defined for the computer security study line.

MSc Thesis

In order to obtain the specialist programme in cybersecurity certificate, the M.Sc. thesis should address a problem in IT security.