
Seniorforsker Jakob Sauer Jørgensen (til højre) og postdocs Nicolai Riis og Amal Alghamdi, som sammen har stået i spidsen for at udvikle software-værktøjet. På billedet  ses de tre ved en CUQIpy-workshop i september 2022. Foto: Nicolai A. B. Riis.
02 JAN

Free software quantifies the uncertainty in scans

The research team CUQI at DTU Compute has, with an atypical process, reduced 1000 lines of code to five in new software, which e.g. helps see unwanted features within...

IT and cyber security Mathematics
Kalundborg Circular Campus: Kalundborg bliver hjemby for en ny arkitektuddannelse. Placering af campus er stadig uvis, for der er fem steder i spil. Gennem DESIRE vil partnerne teste forskellige placeringer af sammen med de studerende og forskellige interessenter i byen, før man beslutter placeringen af campus. Foto: Kalundborg Symbiosis
22 DEC

New European Bauhaus makes nature and vulnerable groups stakeholders

The EU-supported project DESIRE combines art, architecture and design and incorporates the digital as a building material in an innovative design process for sustainable...

IT and cyber security Construction and mechanics Mathematics
Cybermesterskaberne. Credit Ditte Weng
19 DEC

DTU educating the cyber warriors of the future

Hacker-led cyber-attacks are becoming ever more frequent while also becoming yet more cunning. At DTU’s Hackerlab, students can learn to think like a hacker—an insight...

IT and cyber security Mathematics
Christian D. Jensen, DTU Compute. Foto: Thomas Sørensen
14 DEC

IT systems must build trust the same way people do

Cybersecurity threats linger over Denmark like a dark cloud. Working in this environment is cybersecurity researcher Christian Damsgaard Jensen, who is seeking to reduce...

IT and cyber security Mathematics
Assistant Professor at DTU Compute Christian Majenz. Photo credit Claus Lillevang for Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond / Independent Research Fund Denmark
07 DEC

Christian Majenz and Dimitrios Papadopoulos receive the Sapere Aude grant from...

The two DTU Compute Assistant Professors are among the 41 talented research leaders who receive money for their ground-breaking research projects.

Mathematics IT and cyber security
Uddeling af Ole Rømer Guldmedaljen 2022. Fra venstre rektor på DTU Anders Bjarklev, rektor på Københavns Universitet Henrik C. Wegener, professor Carsten Thomassen, DTU Compute. Foto: Hanne Kokkegård, DTU Compute
21 NOV

Carsten Thomassen receives the Ole Rømer Medal

It is an honour for DTU, and the award means extra to the DTU Compute professor because his colleagues nominated him.

IT and cyber security Mathematics
07 NOV

Pola's research bridges the gap between AI and ethics

The spread of Machine Learning makes it necessary to connect technology and ethical aspects, says the researcher, who has developed a model to create trustworthy artificial...

Mathematics IT and cyber security
 The National Archives (UK), CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
01 NOV

Utilize waste heat from data centers in district heating

A new report from the Cool-Data project sheds light on the possibilities for utilizing flexibility and waste heat from data centers in Denmark. DTU's researchers answer...

Mathematics IT and cyber security Energy and supply
Digital Tech Summit 2022, kredit Mikal Schlosser
31 OCT

Technology resilience requires close cooperation

At the tech event Digital Tech Summit, industry and universities shared knowledge about solutions that can help Europe through societal challenges.

Mathematics IT and cyber security
The best thesis in computer science 2021 was written at DTU Compute  Aleksander B. G. Christiansen has won the thesis prize for his master's project in graph theory. Danish Industry, IDA and the universities are behind the award. Supervisor Eva Rotenberg (left) & Aleksander. Credit: Mikal Schlosser
26 OCT

Aleksander's thesis has been awarded as the best of the year

Aleksander B. G. Christiansen's thesis in graph theory wins the award as best master thesis in computer science in 2021.

Mathematics IT and cyber security

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