Defence by PhD Student Zhanhao Zhang

Defence by PhD Student Zhanhao Zhang


16. sep 13:00 - 16:00


DTU Lyngby building 101 room S09 + DTU Compute


DTU Compute

PhD defence

Defence by PhD Student Zhanhao Zhang

“Model Predictive Control for Zero Emission Industrial Processes”

Monday 16th September, at 13:00 in building B101, room S09

The Technical University of Denmark, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Professor John Bagterp Jørgensen, DTU Compute

Postdoc Steen Hørsholt, DTU Compute

Associate Professor Zhenyu Yang, Aalborg University



Associate Professor Roberto Galeazzi, DTU Electro

Professor Eric Colin Kerrigan, Imperial College London

Associate Professor Martin Klauco, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava


Chair of defence:

Assistant Professor Tobias Kasper Skovborg Ritschel, DTU Compute


Everyone is welcome!


Reception will be held in building 303B, room 128 after the defence.