DTU Compute

Colloquia on Mathematics and Computer Science

Today's lecture:

Uncovering fundamental structures of dynamic social networks, by Sune Lehmann, DTU Compute

Abstract: The minute-by-minute interactions within large, densely connected social systems are in a constant state of flux. While there has been impressive progress on understanding complex networks over the past decade, little is known about the regularities governing the micro-dynamics of such social networks. Here, we show that high-resolution data allow us to observe social gatherings directly. On the shortest time-scale, we find that gatherings are fluid, with members coming and going, but organized via a stable core of individuals. Cores exhibit a pattern of recurring meetings across weeks and months, each with varying degrees of regularity. Taken together, these findings provide a powerful simplification of the social system as a whole, resulting in a vocabulary for quantifying the complexity of social life. Using this theoretical framework, we demonstrate that, in analogy to human mobility, social behavior can be predicted with high precision.

DTU Compute welcomes master's students, PhD students, postdocs and professors to attend the monthly colloquium. In the colloquia, DTU researchers and guests will present recent advances in mathematics and computer science, current research, or mathematical curiosities. The presentations will generally be accessible for master's students or higher with any field of speciality in mathematics or computer science. After each presentation we will discuss the topic of the day while we are enjoying fresh tea, coffee, cake and cookies.


ons 08 apr 15


DTU Compute



DTU, building 306, room 036

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