Teunis Scheuer Jansen

Teunis Jansen


National Institute of Aquatic Resources

Section for Marine Living Resources

Technical University of Denmark

Henrik Dams Allé

Building 201, room 264

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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News from DTU

Foto af Teunis Jansen
18 DEC

Six questions for the Professor - meet Teunis Jansen

Teunis Jansen has just joined officially as a Professor at DTU Aqua on 14 December. He talked about his field of expertise, pelagic fish stocks around Greenland. Get to know him a bit better through his answers to six questions about the research area, where it all began and how his newest hobby when he doesn't work, has given him a wild...

Ammassatter skovles op i net på kysten ved Qeqertarsuaq, Disko (foto: Uffe Wilken).
05 APR

Ammassatter blander sig ikke

I Østgrønland bliver der fisket en overflod af ammassatter. Men i Vestgrønland ser det anderledes ud. Et ph.d.-projekt har kastet mere lys over den lille fisks biologi, og resultatet er vigtigt i overvejelserne over, om industrien kan udnytte den vestgrønlandske ammassat.

Fisheries and fish stocks Polar research
Makrel. Foto: Jan Vaiby.
15 JUN

Surprising new business opportunities for Greenland

The first scientific mapping of the arrival of the economically important mackerel in Greenland indicates it is there to stay

Fisheries and fish stocks Marine research Climate change