Peter Steen Mikkelsen

Peter Steen Mikkelsen


Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering

Technical University of Denmark


Building 115, room 114

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

Fax +45 45 93 28 50
ORCID 0000-0003-3799-0493

Request a vCard via e-mail.


News from DTU

Danida kursister på besøg hos BIOFOS som et led i kurset
03 APR

Internationalt Danida kursus måtte afsluttes som fjernundervisning

Kursus i dansk ekspertise inden for vandhåndtering måtte ændres til fjernundervisning på tre kontinenter, da deltagerne blev nødt til at rejse hjem kort før afslutningen på grund af nedlukningen af Danmark.  

Foto Amritanshu Sikdar/Unsplash
23 OCT

Increased digitalization can lead to a more sustainable water sector

Increased digitalization in the water sector and utilization of new technological opportunities are the themes of the first dedicated track about water at the upcoming DTU High Tech Summit on 30-31 October 2019.

Water supply
24 JUL

Report shows large uncertainties in the analysis of model-based calculations of wet-weather discharges from point sources

A report on "Uncertainty analysis of model-based calculations of wet-weather discharges from point sources" written by Luca Vezzaro and other researchers from DTU Environment, shows a very large uncertainty in the way the municipalities and the Danish EPA calculate the amount of untreated wastewater that runs into the nature.

Photo: Colourbox
25 MAR

Digitalization can drive new water technologies

Research, innovation, education, and entrepreneurship can contribute to the development of new technologies in the water sector according to a new report.

Environment and pollution
14 MAR

Konference om vand til verden - DTU inviterer sammen med DI til konference om vandsektoren

For lidt vand! For meget vand! For beskidt vand! - Så kort kan de tre vigtigste problemstillinger inden for global vandhåndtering beskrives. På konferencen stilles der skarpt på digitalisering og systemintegration i vandsektoren indenfor klimatilpasning. Dette er i forhold til, hvordan vand i fremtiden kommer ind og ud af byer samt beskyttelse...

Water supply Waste water and water discharge
Markér Verdens Toiletdag med IUG og Water DTU
18 OCT

Markér Verdens Toiletdag med IUG og Water DTU

I dag lever 4,5 milliarder mennesker uden sikker sanitet, og 892 millioner mennesker går stadig på toilettet i det fri.   World Toilet Day den 19. november sætter fokus på forbedringer af dette.

Waste water and water discharge Water supply
Water DTU at High Tech Summit
04 OCT

Water DTU at High Tech Summit

High Tech Summit 2018 has a session "Digital solutions for water: International trends and national priorities" where participants from the Water DTU taskforce will give talks about the topic. A debate “How can science and education contribute to boosting digitalization of the Danish water sector – collaboration, internationalization...

Photo: Colourbox
23 OCT

World Congress emphasizes DTU’s position in water research

DTU is home to Denmark’s largest research and educational environment in the field of water technology. This has been a contributing factor in the decision to allow Denmark to host the World Water Congress & Exhibition in 2020.

Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply Environment and pollution
View from Tokyo Tower. Photo: Colourbox
07 OCT

Water poses challenge to major cities

Too much water, too little water, or contaminated water. Cities around the world are facing major water-related challenges. These challenges are further aggravated by global trends such as urbanization and climate change. The time has come for water to become an asset rather than a problem in ‘smart liveable cities’ of the future.

Environment and pollution Climate adaptation Waste water and water discharge Water supply
Peter Steen Mikkelsen at his acceptance speech during the ICUD gala dinner 9th September 2014, in front of the JCUD chair Prof. David Butler, Exeter University, UK.
22 SEP

Peter Steen Mikkelsen winner of international award

Professor Peter Steen Mikkelsen, Department of Environmental Engineering at DTU (DTU Environment) has been awarded the IWA/IAHR Joint Committee on Urban Drainage (JCUD) ‘Mid-Career Achievement Award’.

Climate change Water supply Waste water and water discharge
Photo: Colourbox
08 SEP

New centre for water-related research

A new centre will unite competencies, making DTU even stronger in the field of water-based research.

Environment and pollution Marine research