

Keywords Quantitative genomics | Bioinformatics | Systems genomics | Multi omics Big Data | Statistical Genetics | Computational biology | Machine learning/AI | Animal Genomics | Biostatistics | Animal health | Integrative systems biology | Technology foresight, Research and innovation strategies for industrial sectors, Stakeholder inclusion.

I am a full (tenured) professor & group leader in Quantitative Genomics, Bioinformatics and Computational (Systems) Biology (QBC) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) since 1 March 2017.  For almost 3 years (2020-2022), I was also the Chief Science & Technology Officer at Synomics Ltd across UK, USA & Denmark. I was the head of department (Institute Director) for Bio and Health Informatics (DTU Bioinformatics), Head of PhD School and Head of Section of Systems Genomics at DTU Bioinformatics (1 March 2017 to 1 June 2018). Prior to DTU, from 2010 until 2017, I was a full (tenured) professor and group leader of Animal Breeding, Quantitative Genetics and Systems Biology at the University of Copenhagen. I was also the Director of the Danish-Indian BioChild Consortium (Genomics and Systems biology of Childhood obesity), and the Danish-Brazilian GIFT Consortium (Genomics of IVF and ET in cattle).

Prior to Denmark, I lived and worked in five other countries.  As a principal scientist and leader of quantitative genetics and systems biology group at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia during 2006-2011. As a head of statistical animal genetics group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich in Switzerland (2001-2006). I was a cattle geneticist at the Scottish Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK (1998-2001) with a short time as a visiting scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in 1999. My PhD degree is in Quantitative-Statistical Genetics from The University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada) 1994-1998 with a part of my PhD research conducted at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands. My basic university educational qualifications are Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and Masters' degree (MVSc) in Veterinary Genetics (India).

I primarily work in genomics, bioinformatics, multiomics, systems biology, predictive and personalized data analytics using big data integration and analyses applied to animal health and production, with strong industrial & commercial collaborations. I have a keen interest and experience in applying AI and machine learning methods in human health data from clinical trials and hospital records. 

I am a member of many international organizations and lead many international research projects. I am a member of review panels for research grant applications for European Commission (REA/H2020 programs), UK Research Councils (BBSRC), Research Council of Norway (RCN) and other international research agencies. I take part as scientific advisory board member for both public and private organizations. Most of my scientific reviews, consultancy and advice are conducted in my free time via my private consulting firm, AVA Genomics Consultancy IVS. 

I have supervised / co-supervised 30 PhD students and 12 postdocs. My scientific publications with peer-reviewed research and innovation as evidenced by ca. 400 scientific articles of which 136+ are peer-reviewed international journal articles, 2 Books, 10 book chapters. Released 18 biological datasets and 7 analyses software platforms – articles seen in Web of Science, Orcid. Google Scholar, Research gate. Google Scholar: H-index of 36.

I have given over 200 talks (ca. 95 invited) in 22 countries over 30+ years of my academic, government and private sector career.

See profile and cv in DTU Orbit...