Scientific talks

Book a researcher for a team meeting, a themed afternoon or an entire Master Class, where you have the opportunity to be inspired by a number of scientific topics within digitization and data science.

The scientific topics are aimed at different professional levels: Digital knowledge (managers and teams), Digital agents, Digital specialists. Level and target group appear under the individual presentations and topics.


Scientific talk: Process Mining / Data Science
Target audience: Fits all 3 profiles, but agents/specialists are better suited

Abstract: Process mining is a family of techniques that allows the study of how ideal process relate to actual ones, taking a data-driven point of view, i.e., what actually happens rather than what is supposed to happen. During the session two types of process mining will be discussed: control-flow discovery and conformance checking. Control-flow discovery aims at synthesizing process models from actual executions of them. This allows one to study how processes are actually executed (in-vivo vs in-vitro processes). Conformance checking techniques can help in understanding where real executions deviate from a prescriptive model by identifying process violations as well as locating them.

Scientific talk: Process Digitalization - From paper based to digital solutions
Target audience: Digital knowledge

Abstract: Digitalization is the new black, everybody talks about the opportunities and benefits, however, the definitions tend to be obscure. In this course, intended for leaders, we will cover the fundamentals of digitalization from a business process management (BPM) perspective. From how to elicit processes to provide representations of what is happening in the organization, to how to analyse, test, optimise and execute inter-organisational processes, this course provides an overview of the most important technologies and considerations before embarking in a digitalization project.

Scientific talk: Supporting Knowledge-intensive Processes
Target audience: Digital agents, digital specialists as well

Abstract: In knowledge-intensive processes, knowledge workers have to choose from many courses of action the best possibility that align best with their objectives. Such action normally depends on the context: in a medical environment it might be the most effective treatment, in a municipality, the best service for a citizen, and in a bank, the action that generates most benefits. Knowledge-Intensive processes are dependent on the discretion of knowledge workers to achieve their goals. However, such discretion adds complexity to processes, and non-compliance might be punishable with fines and other measures. In this course we will cover a new range of technologies specifically designed to support knowledge workers in taking their decisions while at the same time being compliant with legislation.

Scientific talk: Rust Programming Concepts
Target audience: Primarily digital knowledge, secondarily digital agent, digital specialist

Abstract: Rust has emerged as a modern systems programming language that is beloved for its ergonomics, safety, and performance. We will take a closer look at the core features of Rust compared to other languages to evaluate when (and how) to switch from other languages, such as C/C++, to Rust.

Note: A digital specialist version could offer an overview of approaches and tools to support developing Rust programs with even stronger safety guarantees for a more specialist version. Such a class might also be of practical interest for companies since I would mainly focus on open-source tools developed during industry collaborations.

Scientific talk: Domain-Specific Languages: Design and Implementation Concepts

Target audience: Digital agent, digital specialist

Abstract: A Domain-Specific Language (DSL) is a programming language that is optimized for a specific domain, and is sometimes tailored to domain experts that are not programmers: for example, you can think of HTML as a DSL for structuring web pages, or SQL as a DSL for querying and manipulating data. This masterclass provides an overview of DSL design and implementation strategies, ranging from "classic" approaches (i.e. "external DSLs" with a bespoke compiler-like infrastructure) to more recent approaches (i.e. "internal DSLs" embedded in modern programming languages, such as Scala 3).

Scientific talk: Introduction to Microservices
Target audience: Digital knowledge, digital agent

Abstract: The idea of Microservices is to decompose a monolithic application into  smaller services based on domain boundaries. The result is a distributed  component based application.

Scientific talk: Security by Design
Target audience: Digital knowledge and agents

Abstract: This lecture provides an overview of security-by-design principles and methodologies, aimed at creating IT systems, services and products with better security guarantees.

Scientific talk: Modeling enterprise architectures with ArchiMate
Target audience: Digital specialist

Abstract: This course aims at getting familiar with the concept of enterprise architecture. To this aim, the first part of the course will introduce Zachman’s framework. The second part of the course will introduce the ArchiMate language to model enterprise architectures.

Scientific talk: Business process automation with BPMN

Target audience: Digital specialist

Abstract: This course aims at understanding how to model and automate business processes. To this aim, the first part of the course will explain how to model business processes with BPMN. The second part of the course will explain how to make BPMN process models executable by one of the leading business process execution systems (BPMS).

Scientific talk: Implementing smart contracts with Solidity
Target audience: Digital specialist

Abstract: Second-generation blockchains, such as Ethereum, introduced the ability to execute smart contracts, pieces of code that can be used to implement policies and to regulate the exchange of cryptocurrency in a blockchain. This course will explain how to write smart contracts with Solidity, one of the most commonly used smart contract programming languages.

Scientific talk: Integrated Data Collection in Digital Transformation - Big data pipeline and Data Model
Target audience: Digital knowledge, agent, specialist

Abstract: The term ”Big Data Pipeline” designates the necessitated coordination among various components of data-driven analytic applications to collect, ingest, and process data. During digital transformation, pipelines need to receive data from various novel and conventional data sources, which makes the coordination role of big data pipelines even more vital due to the specific nature behind each data source (variety, volume, veracity, etc). Despite this, the design and development of integrated data models to represent data from various heterogeneous data sources is an open challenge to modelling and storing data in data lakes and structured databases.

Scientific talk: Role of software architecture in Digital Transformation
Target audience: Digital specialist

Abstract: A software architecture is a means to represent how the design decisions jointly address the concerns of a software system. In the era of digital transformation, the role of software architecture in design of the initiative/integrated data-driven applications in the organization becomes even more important. This is due to the fact that there will be long-term goals behind each initiative project or any software integration; Namely, various quality attributes behind each project such as extensibility, availability, or integrability of the systems are expected along the journey of transformation.

Scientific talk: Getting started with Formal Methods
Target audience: Digital specialists

Abstract: Formal methods are a set of powerful techniques to support the development of high quality IT systems. While those are commonly used by leading software companies like Amazon, Facebook or Microsoft, their mainstream adoption has been hindered by the myth that they require high specialization. This lecture aims at breaking that myth by providing a gentle and gradual introduction to formal method concepts and instruments, and how those can be integrated in software development processes.