Photo: Vibeke Hempler

20 talentfulde unge forskere til DTU i 2015

mandag 16 nov 15

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DTU har i 2015 udvalgt 20 yderst talentfulde unge forskere til at modtage H.C. Ørsted COFUNDpostdocDTU-legater. De unge forskere stammer fra hele verden og vil bruge de næste to år på DTU.

Af Stine Work Brodersen og Vibeke Hempler

DTU har  i 2015 budt velkommen til 20 yderst talentfulde unge forskere, der har modtaget H.C. Ørsted COFUNDpostdocDTU-legaterne. Legatprogrammet har til formål at fremme karrieremuligheder for unge forskere ved at give dem mulighed for at fordybe sig i egne forskningsprojekter i en længere periode.

Det oprindelige H.C. Ørsted Postdoc Program, der blev lanceret i 2004, gav et-årige legater til unge, udenlandske forskere, der havde vist exceptionelle resultater i deres forskning. Co-funding fra EU's Marie Curie Actions program tillod i 2014, at DTU kunne udvide programmet både i forhold til antal forskere og længden af forskningsopholdene.

Ikke færre end 183 ansøgere ansøgte ved fristen i 2015. Efter en grundig evalueringsproces, hvor samtlige ansøgninger blev internationalt eksternt peer-reviewet, udvalgte DTU de 20 forskere, der viste størst potentiale inden for deres områder. De unge forskere er af 13 forskellige nationaliteter og vil i løbet af de næste par år arbejde på 14 af DTU’s institutter og centre inden for en række forskellige forskningsområder.


Modtagere af H.C. Ørsted COFUNDpostdocDTU-legaterne i 2015:     





Albert Granados

 DTU Compute


Optimization of energy harvesting systems by scattering methods

Albert Kilian Engstfeld

 DTU Physics


Fundamental studies of the catalysis of electrochemical fuel production

Alexey Dudnik

 DTU Biosustain


Development of tools for precise genome engineering in lactic acid bacteria and their implementation in construction of bacterial cell factories

Christoph Köhn

DTU Space


Modelling of hard emissions from discharges including feedback physics

Christos Tserkezis

 DTU Fotonik


Emitter-plasmon hybrid nanostructures: optical response beyond classical electrodynamics

Chuang Wen

DTU Mechanical Engineering


CO2 condensation and separation from natural gas using a novel supersonic separation process

Deepak Marla

DTU Mechanical Engineering


Multiphysics modeling of laser induced selective activation (LISA) for autocatalytic electroless plating

Golbarg Mehraei

DTU Electrical Engineering


Effects of auditory nerve and cochlear damage on auditory attention

Ji Zhang

DTU Mechanical Engineering


Experimental analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop using zeotropic mixtures in plate heat exchangers for low-grade heat to power conversion

Julia Hütter



Analysis of the functional role of different intestinal DC subsets in the induction of mucosal IgA

Jun Wu

DTU Mechanical Engineering


Interactive Topology Optimization for Additive Manufacturing

Khuong Van Dinh

DTU Aqua


Marine pelagic secondary production under environmental stress - impacts of climate change and oil exposure

Maryam Jokar

DTU Food


Fate and Behaviour of Nano-Structured Metal particles Released From Food Contact Materials in Gastrointestinal Tract Model

Mátyás Imre Pápai

DTU Chemistry


Quantum Dynamics of Photoinduced Processes in Transition-Metal-Based Functional Molecules

Michal Wagner

DTU Chemistry


Development of quinones-enriched gold nanoparticles for energy storage and bioelectrochemistry

Nicki Frank Hinsche

DTU Physics


Electron-phonon & electron-electron coupling in nanostructured thermoelectric materials

Pieter Daniël van Denderen

DTU Aqua


Density-dependent regulation in marine fish and its consequences for their sustainable exploitation

Platon Gkamaletsos



Nanoscale electron microscopic investigation of strategic & hazardous elements in critical raw materials and metallurgical residues

Shiyu Gan

DTU Physics


Graphene and graphene-like two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials stabilized hierarchical Si-photocathodes for photoelectrochemical water splitting

Tae Kwang Ha

DTU Biosustain

South Korea

Enhancement of therapeutic protein production in CHO cells: Coping with the ER stress


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