Tue Herlau

Tue Herlau

Associate Professor

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Technical University of Denmark

Richard Petersens Plads

Building 321, room 127

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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My main interests are modeling of complex networks using Bayesian methods. My main area of application is brain imaging data. 

The aspects of complex networks I am particularly interested in at the moment is complex networks often contain multiscale structure (i.e. nested structure ranging from a few vertices to large parts of the network) and are temporal; consider for instance a social network where the structure might range from cliques of friends, schools and school classes to entire countries.

I have a bachelor in physics and mathematics from the University of Copenhagen and a masters at DTU Informatics. Please write for further information on past or current projects, code or ideas for corporation. 

See profile and cv in DTU Orbit...