Sebastian Mödersheim

Associate professor in the Language-Based Technology section at DTU Compute

I am working on formal methods and automated verification for security. 


Cool: Hotspot 2014 workshop associated with ETAPS 




Sebastian Mödersheim 

DTU Informatics 

Richard Petersens Plads, Building 322, Room 112 

DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark 


Phone: +45 45 25 35 97 


Currently my favorite topics are:

  • Formal methods and logic
  • Automated verification
  • Security
  • Compositional Reasoning 


I am the DTU site-leader for the EU-project FutureID.


I was a member of the following EU research projects on formal verification in security:

I am the main developer of OFMC and AIF, see Tools section.


My most recent works include compositional reasoning, soundness results, and the extension of tools, see Publications section. 


My google-scholar page

My publications and tools page


My publications and tools page



Current Courses:

02141 Computer Science Modelling (every spring semester)

02244 Language-Based Security  (every spring semester)

02239 Data Security (every fall semester)

02393 Programming in C++ (every fall semester)


Previous Courses

Information Security in 2009 at ETH Zürich, together with Christoph Sprenger


Bachelor/Master Theses 

I enjoy working with students on research projects, especially if we can link interesting theory with a practically useful implementation. For finding an interesting topic, please contact me for an appointment. 


Sebastian Alexander Mödersheim
Associate Professor
DTU Compute
+45 45 25 35 91