Convex Relaxation Techniques for Nonlinear Optimization

Anders Eltved: Mathematical optimization is widely used in science and engineering; examples include optimization of mechanical systems, structural design, and power systems operations.

An optimization problem consists of some measure of cost/performance to be minimized/maximized and some constraints to be upheld. Some optimization problems can be solved by global optimization methods, but many problems arising in engineering are too expensive (have too many variables or constraints, or are too complicated) to be solved using these methods due to the computational complexity of the algorithms and limitations of the current hardware. For such problems, we are restricted to local optimization methods that are only guaranteed to find a local extremum, that is, a set of variables where a small change does not improve the cost/performance, and the methods provide no way of assessing the quality. An example of a nonlinear optimization problem (that is usually solved by local methods) is the so-called optimal power flow problem, where the goal is to minimize the cost of electrical power production while satisfying the demand, the physical laws, and the limitations of the system (transmission line capacity, generator capacity, etc.). In this particular application, the difference in cost between a local minimum and a solution might be millions of dollars.

In this project we consider convex relaxation techniques, where a problem that is hard to solve is reformulated (relaxed) to a convex optimization problem (for example by expanding the feasible set or using a convex approximation to the objective function). Convex optimization problems are a special class of problems with the property that any local minimum is guaranteed to be a solution, and efficient algorithms exist for solving a large class of convex optimization problems. Solving the relaxation (the convex problem) provides a bound on the solution of the original problem, yielding a way to assess the quality of a local minimum, and in some cases a solution to the original problem can be recovered.

Convex relaxation has been applied with great success in many areas, but the computational complexity of the relaxation is sometimes a bottleneck for applying the technique for large-scale problems. Furthermore, improving the tightness of relaxations (the link between the relaxed problem and the original problem) is of interest, as this would provide a better bound on the solution of the original problem. We will study relaxation strategies to tackle some of the challenges that currently limit the use of convex relaxation, for example using adaptive strategies that explore the trade-off between computational complexity and tightness of the relaxation, and apply these to the optimal power flow problem to demonstrate the practical applicability.

PhD project title: Convex Relaxation Techniques for Nonlinear Optimization

Effective start/end date 01/01/2018 → 31/12/2020

Supervisors: Martin S. Andersen from the section for Scientific Computing.

PhD project by Anders Eltved

Research Section:  Scientific Computing

Principal Supervisor: Martin Skovgaard Andersen

Co-supervisor: Spyros Chatzivasileiadis

Title of Project:Convex Relaxation Techniques for Nonlinear Optimization

Project start: 01/01/2018 → 31/12/2020


Martin Skovgaard Andersen
Associate Professor
DTU Compute
+45 45 25 30 36