Fra venstre: Henrik Aanæs, DTU Compute, MADE work package leader for Quality control and sensors. Eythor R. Eiriksson. Direktør Flemming H. Tomdrup, Alexander Foss’ Industrifond. Professor Lars Hein, Alexander Foss’ Industrifond

Eythor R. Eiriksson was awarded the Alexander Foss MADE award

Friday 11 Dec 15

On December 8th 2015 at the annual assembly of the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE) PhD student Eythor R. Eiriksson, DTU Compute was awarded the Alexander Foss MADE award. He won the price for “delivering implementable results with real potential for specific challenges in Danish production industry”.

33 MADE PhD students were eligible for the award. Eythor was chosen by an international committee of senior technology officers based on nominations from the MADE industry partners. In his project he has developed computer vision systems for quality control of 3D surfaces and additive manufacturing. The award consist of a travel scholarship and a work of art.

I am very proud of Eythors work and that mathematics and computer science are recognized as key technologies for the future of Danish production industry”, says professor Rasmus Larsen, Head of Dept. at DTU Compute.

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