Doctoral defence - Dines Bjørner defends his thesisi , "Domain Science & Engineering A Foundation for Software Development"

Professor Emeritus Dines Bjørner, forsvarer sin doktorafhandling, “Domain Science & Engineering - A Foundation for Software Development", d. 1. December, 2020 at 2 p.m.  i building 101, Meeting room 1,1. floor. It will also be possible to watch the defence online.

Before the coding of programs one can have a reasonable understanding of their requirements. Before formulating these one can have a reasonable understanding of the domain.
We develop and investigate calculi for the analysis & description of domains.    
The calculi are first aimed at domain endurants. Endurants are further characterised by unique identification, mereologies and attributes.
By a transcendental deduction we offer a calculus whereby endurant descriptions are shown to be a basis for perdurant, i.e., domain behaviour descriptions.
[Endurants, in software, correspond, roughly, to data, and perdurants to processes.]
This constitutes the main contribution of the thesis.
Further contributions deal with such concepts as domain facets, mathematical models of the domain calculi and of the mereology concepts, deriving requirements from domain models, etc.
The thesis argues that domain modelling, prior to requirements engineering, offers a possible, initial phase of software development, and that domain science & engineering, as here formulated, offers new, relevant research topics.

Read Dines Bjørner’s thesis online or contact the doctoral candidate (DTU Compute) for a physical copy.

If you are interested in acting as unofficial opponent, please contact the moderator, Provost Rasmus Larsen, via

The event will be held in accordance with restrictions and guidelines regarding COVID-19. 



Tue 01 Dec 20
14:00 - 18:00


Building 101, Meeting room 1, 1st floor