Peder Bacher

Peder Bacher

Associate Professor

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Technical University of Denmark

Asmussens Allé

Building 303B, room 010

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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Introduction to Statistics

Responsible:  Peder Bacher; Jan Kloppenborg Møller; Md Saifuddin Khalid; Nicolai Siim Larsen; Pernille Yde Nielsen

Statistics (Polytechnical Foundation)

Responsible:  Nicolai Siim Larsen; Peder Bacher; Jan Kloppenborg Møller; Md Saifuddin Khalid; Pernille Yde Nielsen

Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

Responsible:  Jan Kloppenborg Møller; Peder Bacher; Md Saifuddin Khalid; Nicolai Siim Larsen; Pernille Yde Nielsen